Keep Looking Up!

Keep Looking Up!

Psalm 121

In the beginning of our Christian experience there is a holy longing for more of God.

During this period of our Christian life the Lord causes us to have a dissatisfaction
with our present condition.
This brings into our hearts a realization that we need to know more about our Lord
and that we need a closer walk with Him.
When this desire is present within us, we have a desire to move on up in our Christian walk.

In Psalm 120 that soul was looking around him, and he discovered
that he was dwelling in Meshech and among the tents of Kedar.
He observed his surroundings and realized that all about him were lying lips and deceitful tongues.
This will always be the case.
If you keep looking at those around you, trouble will be your constant companion.
The world and all that is in the world is always about us.

When we turn to Psalm 121, we learn that the soul is no longer looking around him.
He looks up:
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth
." (Psalm 121:1)

He is taking the next step.
We should always be looking up.

If we look up to the Lord, we will find the help we need; we will be delivered from our troubles,
from our problems, and from our distress.

It is not known under what circumstances this Psalm was written.
According to tradition, it is presumed to have been an evening song
sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem.
Keep in mind that all the Israelite males had to make their way to Jerusalem
three times a year to worship and to serve before the Lord.
As these pilgrims journeyed toward Mount Zion, the night would overtake them
and they would set up camp.
During the night they were faced with all kinds of danger.

Consequently, many travelers would gather together and would sing
this evening song of the keeping power of the Lord.
Though we are not certain of the occasion, we are certain that this is a song that we must sing.

So, in the beginning of the Christian journey, as in Psalm 120, the soul is distressed
to find himself dwelling in Meshech and among the tents of Kedar,
which were places north and south of the Promised Land.

In other words, he was distressed to discover that, spiritually, he has been abiding
in the world and not dwelling in Christ.
So, he cries out to the Lord.
At that very moment the love of Christ has begun to attract him and to draw him to Him.
Because of that, his feet are beginning to move. Instead of continuing to settle down in the world,
he is now gradually moving away from the world and desiring more and more of Christ.

Now he begins to pursue the Lord.
He makes a very important discovery.
He discovers that he is in need of help.
He now knows and readily confesses that the help that he needs must come from God.

You and I must answer a very simple question.
In our Christian experience do we ever feel the need for divine help?

Or, do we feel that we can get along entirely by ourselves?
If we assume that we can get along by ourselves, let me say very clearly
that it is a sure sign that we are not running after the Lord.
It is a sure sign that we are not desiring more and more of our Lord.

The path of the pilgrim is not easy.
We cannot assume that our Christian journey will not be an easy one.
You can be absolutely sure of that.

The more you hunger after God, the more you will encounter hardships and difficulties.
The more you aspire after holiness, the more intense will be your temptations.
The more eager you are in your desire for More of God, the busier will be the enemy
in his attempt to ensnare you, to threaten you, and to accuse you.

The path to God always leads by the way of the cross.
Jesus said, "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself
and take up his cross and follow me

Because the way is not easy, and full of dangers and pitfalls, temptations and trials,
there arises the one very important question.

Who can keep my feet from falling?
Who can make my feet steady and unmovable?
Is this your question?
Is this your fear?

That is a very real and vital question.

But, thank God, there is One who is able to keep us from falling.
The pilgrim soul in Psalms has found the answer:
"The Lord which made heaven and earth...will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
he... keepeth thee... The Lord is thy keeper...The Lord shall keep thee from all evil:
he shall keep thy soul. The Lord shall keep thy going out and thy coming in...for evermore

The Lord Himself shall keep us!

So, let us simply trust ourselves into His hand for our going out and our coming in,
and He will keep us from henceforth and till evermore.

To God All The Glory!

This message is by Dr. Harold L. White