The Beatitudes are now on The New Sermon Files First Timothy and Second Timothy and Titus -- now on The New Sermon Files.
First Timothy is a confidential communication which Paul sent to Timothy concerning the church as the house of God. In chapter 3:14, 15 we find the words which state clearly the purpose of this Epistle, “These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly; but if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.”
The epistle contains practical and important instructions on the order which is to be maintained in the church, as the house of God. The suitable conduct befitting to the house of God is given by the apostle. Pure doctrine, pure worship and a faithful ministry are the leading thoughts of this pastoral letter, but he also enters into the godly conduct of the individuals which are in the church of the living God.
These are blessed instructions! There is failure on all sides, showing, that departure from the faith, when men no longer endure sound doctrine, is upon us, according to the warning given in both Epistles.
Yet individuals can always walk and live in the truth, for there is grace sufficient to lead and to maintain the members of the body of Christ in the divinely marked out path, even in the last days, the perilous times.
The first chapter is an exhortation to Timothy to withstand false doctrine and to advance the gospel. The second chapter deals with public worship and the place of women in a Christian congregation. The third chapter outlines the qualifications for elders and deacons. The fourth chapter speaks of apostasy, false asceticism and the discipline to be manifest in a worthy preacher. The fifth speaks of our responsibilities to such needy people in the congregation as widows. The final chapter is an indictment of materialism, and Paul's last great charges and exhortations to Timothy.
Our churches need the message and lessons of First Timothy!
“I am excited to present a new complete Study of Revelation. I have already uploaded all of the Book of Revelation. This is a study that every Christian should want, and that every pastor should want to teach.
Revelation is a book that many ignore by thinking that they can’t understand it. God placed it in our Bibles because He wants us to understand it. He wanted the Christians to understand it, and He prepared it so the enemies of Christians couldn’t.
If you will study these lessons from Revelation, you will understand it, and you will be thrilled with its message that God wants every Christian to have.
I pray that you will copy and paste it, and allow God to teach you -- that regardless how it looks, God is still on the throne, and He is still in charge.” God bless -- Dr Harold L. White
This is a review by a customer who purchased the book “Worthy is the Lamb” on Amazon: “This is an older little known "jewel" of a book. It is very well written and composed for the average person seeking to understand all the "mystery" of the book of Revelation. With all the present day abuse and mis-use of this important book, it is soothing to finally read a book that presents, in a very logical and unbiased manner, what God intended for us to understand.
Ray Summers removes all the "end-time mystery" and the extreme views being presented today and takes us back to an understandably wonderful message. What did God intend for the first century Christians, the first recipients, to understand? If the message doesn't help them, it can't be the correct message. Revelation doesn't have to be scarey or frightening. It's message is one of love and hope.
It will take some effort to get through the book, but it will be worth it. It's not presented as a storybook. It is presented in a logical orderly study fashion that with time, the scriptures, a note pad and prayer, the simplicity of the message can be realized. This is the only book I am aware of of this caliber.”
From Dr. White: “I purchased my copy of “Worthy of the Lamb” in 1951 when it was first published. At that time I did not know who Dr. Summers was. I the late ‘50’s I was fortunate to have him for a short period as my professor in seminary. The class was not on Revelation. I did not know that the book had been reissued until I checked to see if it was, and found that it is available on Amazon. And it is reasonably priced, if you would like to purchase a copy.
I know that many cannot afford a book at any price. That is why everything on my sermon sites are absolutely free and done at my own expense and time. I am blessed that God has enabled me to do so. God bless you in your life for Him!”
If you are new to The New Sermon Files, you will want to check out two other series that I added last year. One is Habakkuk which has 8 sermons, and which addresses the needs of our world today. The other is on Psalm 23 which is a beloved chapter has 13 sermons. All these are new -- I have never preached them -- I pray that God will lead you preach them! So, keep up with the changes, you will discover sermons and sermon series that will provides months, and even years of preaching and teaching.
Family Sermons ............... Sermons on marriage, children, teens, parenting, and relations Family Sermons
Special Sermons................ Revival, New Years, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day and July Fourth, More Special Sermons.........Thanksgiving, Christmas, Funerals, Lord's Supper and others. Sermon Illustrations........... Several hundred illustrations that will impact your sermons. Sermon Humor Site ......... Humor suitable for the pulpit Pastor's Pipeline................ Resources for pastors and church leaders Pastor’s Pipeline
Sermon Files Site 2 Sermon Preparation............This is about preparing and preaching sermons! Sermon Preparation Site 2.... Homiletics taught by Dr.Harold L. White to seminary students. Every pastor can and should improve his preaching. Sermon Storehouse ....... More than 1,000 sermons Sermon Storehouse........ Hundreds of sermons from Genesis to Revelation Sermon Storehouse ........ Sermons are Biblical -- topical and expository. Sermon Storehouse ....... New sermons are added regularly!
The New Sermon Files .... Over 250 sermons About God, About Jesus, John 15, Acts, Romans 8, Ephesians, and Psalms of Assent, Psalms 23, Habakkuk, Revelation, 1 Timothy