

This prophecy of Habakkuk tells of a struggle and triumph of faith which took place in the soul
of the prophet himself.
“It begins with a sob, and ends with a song; and it is in the process from the one to the other
that the little book discloses the heart of its meaning to us.”


The key verse to Habakkuk is chapter ii. 4 – “The just shall live by his faith”; and around this truth
precious lessons for faith are written.
The living message of the little book is clear.
Faith has still its problems.
If Habakkuk’s days seemed draped with dark enigmas, even more do our own.
But this book tells us not to judge merely by the appearances of the hour.
God has given us great promises, and is working out great purposes.

He cannot tell us the whole in so many words; but He has revealed enough to make faith intelligent,
and to give it scope for development.
      -- From J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book

The vital issue with which Habakkuk struggles is theodicy.
Theodicy is a specific branch of theology and philosophy that attempts to justify the behaviour of God.
Theodicy may also be described as an attempt to reconcile belief in God with the perceived
existence of evil.
So, how could a just and holy God allow evil to exist?
How could He remain silent in the face of brutality, injustice, and atrocious inhumanity?

Habakkuk does learn several significant theological truths.
He learns that God and good will inevitably triumph.
He learns that God’s people must be a waiting people, living with the certain hope that eternity
will clarify the issues, and reveal the triumph of right.
Habakkuk also learns that evil contains the seed of destruction within it. (2:4-20)

Individuals and nations who live in pride, arrogance, and self-sufficiency learn that in the end
these very attitudes are their undoing.
Though on occasion evil appears to have the upper hand, it is really filled with death and destruction.
It cannot and will not endure in God’s moral universe.
Its transitory nature is an unalterable fact of history.

Then, Habakkuk learns that those who are right with God are to live by their faithfulness. (2:4)
Habakkuk learns that while intellectual answers to the enigmas of history may not be available,
God is good and He is enough, and His people rejoice in His salvation and strength.
Christians wait with confidence the triumphant end, even in the midst of oppression
and deprivation (3: 17-19).

"Much of the content of my study of Habakkuk is from D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
and his study of Habakkuk in his book, From Fear To Faith
  -- Dr. Harold L. White

  First sermon in Habakkuk series

A Question For Today - Habakkuk 1:1-11  New 01/28/10
Habakkuk asked some of the most penetrating questions in all literature, and the answers are basic
to a proper view of God and his relation to history.

He begins his prophecy with an agonizing cry: “Oh, Lord, how long, how long shall I cry
and thou wilt not hear? Even cry unto thee of violence and thou will not save
He cried until his eyes were a fountain of tears. 
And he prayed until his voice could no longer utter the sentences; and still, God did not hear.

He did not understand how the Lord allows the wicked to persecute, and to triumph over, the good.
He was asking why do You show me iniquity, cause me to behold grievance, spoiling and violence?
Thy law is paralyzed, and there is no judgment. 
The wicked overcomes the righteous, and judgment is perverted.
Why, oh, God, do the righteous suffer?
And why does the wicked triumph? ... More

  Second sermon in Habakkuk series

Facing The Difficult Questions Of Life - Habakkuk 1:12-17  New 01/28/10
When we are not clear about the answer, then we must take it to God in prayer and leave it with Him.
That is what Habakkuk did in chapter 1:13.
In the preceding verse and in the early part of verse 13, Habakkuk was still perplexed, so he took
the problem to God and left it there.

When we have the right method, we can apply it to any problem.
We can apply it to God's strange dealings with a nation and to problems in the world
and to personal difficulties.
So, whatever the problem may be, stop and think, consider the propositions, put it into that context,
and then, if there is still a problem, take it to God and leave it there.

Now let us notice Habakkuk as he applies this method of reasoning to the two major problems
that troubled him which was the apparent weakness and defeat of God, and then trying
to reconcile God's use of the Chaldean army with God's holy character.
Habakkuk had a problem with God's inaction. ... More

  Third sermon in Habakkuk series

Waiting On God - Habakkuk 2:1-3
Habakkuk in his perplexity says: " I am going to get out of this depression, and I am going
to the watch-tower; I am going to the heights; I am going to look to God and only to God
This is one of the most important principles of the Christian life.

If we have committed our problem to God and then, continue to think about it, it means
that our prayers were not genuine.
If we told God in our prayer that we had reached a dead-end, and that we could not solve
our problem, and that we were giving it to Him, then we must leave it with Him.
We must absolutely refuse to think about it or talk about it.

We must not go to another Christian and say, " I have a serious problem, and I don't know what to do.
What do you think?"
We must not discuss it with others.
We must leave it to God and go to the watch-tower.
This is not easy for us to do for we have formed a bad habit of talking to several people and getting
a consensus opinion.
So, not discussing it with others might not come easy, but we must discipline ourselves
to leave it with God. ... More

  Fourth sermon in Habakkuk series

Living By Faith  -  Habakkuk 2:1-4
The importance of the message from verse four to the end of chapter 2 is that the Chaldeans,
who were going to be used as an instrument to chastise Israel, were also going to be chastised
and finally defeated.
God was using them temporarily, but their final end was certain.
God was going to humble the pride of the Chaldeans and inflict a terrible punishment upon them.

The important thing for us is to see is what this means for us.
We will also learn that this case in question is an illustration of a universal principle
in God's dealings with mankind.

In the present world situation it is urgent that we have a proper understanding of this principle
in the world today.
There is so much turmoil in the world today and we must understand the Biblical principle of history
if we would have peace within.
This will explain what is happening in the secular world and its effect on Christians today.
The essential principle is that history can be understood only in terms of God's kingdom. .....

 Fifth Sermon in new Habakkuk series

God's Five Woes -  Habakkuk 2:5-20 
From past history we have seen how godless nations which were once the most powerful nations on earth
and the whole world laid at their feet.
Then, we remember their end.
Nation after nation has risen only to fall.
The time came when the woe pronounced by God came to pass.

We have lived through an age in which we have seen this same principle in operation.
And whatever may be happening in the world today, the principle is still the same.
Woe is declared on the ways of all who are opposed to God.
They are doomed.
They may have great temporary success, but just as their star arose, it will descend.
The woe, the judgment of God upon the unrighteousness is certain.

No one can even attempt to predict what God is going to bring about, but we can be certain
of the ultimate triumph of God
... More

  Sixth Sermon in the new Habakkuk series

Pray For Revival -  Habakkuk 3:1-2  
Habakkuk saw the need for revival.
We need to understand that revival is the movement of the Holy Spirit among Christian people.
You can't revive someone who is dead.
I'm speaking about taking someone who has already placed their faith in Jesus, but has grown complacent,
cold, and backslidden.
I'm talking about the fact that we are so busy with things other than the work of God.

Many Christians have no need for Jesus, for prayer, for God's Word as they do when life becomes difficult
and troubled.
Revival makes people God conscious.
Revival is an awakening in our relationship with God and causes us to put God first.
He should be first in our thoughts, first in our time, first in our activities, first in the way we spend
our money.
God should have priority of our lives.

Revival causes people to repent of their sins, clean up their lives, enjoy their religion, and share it
with others.
Do we see the need of revival for ourselves, our churches, our nation, and our world?
... More

  Seventh Sermon of series on Habakkuk

God’s Wrath And Judgment Revealed - Habakkuk 3:3-15  
God's power is seen in His wrath in His revelation to Habakkuk.
When wrath is mentioned many think of uncontrolled anger as wrath, and that may be true
when it comes to human wrath.
But it is not a part of God's wrath.
God's wrath is His holy hostility toward sin in all its manifestations.
This means that God's holiness cannot and will not coexist with sin in any form whatsoever.
God's wrath is His holy hatred of all that is unholy.
It is his righteous indignation at everything that is unrighteous.

God will not overlook sin.
God will not dismiss sin which is against His holy will.
God will not overlook the godliness and the wickedness of men.
God will act in His wrath against individuals and nations that ignore Him and His warnings.
The Bible says more about wrath than about love.
Jesus spoke more about hell than about heaven.
The Bible is filled with warnings about God's wrath and His judgment. ......
I believe that any Christian who reads God's Word can see that God's judgment is coming on America.
America will reap what it has sown.
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)
I believe that judgment has begun.

And I also believe that unless we repent as a nation and turn back to God that we can expect
to see more judgment at the hand of God.
As believers we must live righteously, evangelize boldly and pray fervently for a revival in our country
and our world.
... More

  Eighth and final sermon in the series on Habakkuk 

What In The World Can We Do? - Habakkuk 3:16-19
What is the most difficult experience that you have ever had?
For some it might have been the death of a spouse, or of a child, or of a parent.
For some it might have been violence committed against them.
For some it might have been being ignored, rejected by someone you love;
For some it might have been a sin that you committed, and you are suffering the consequences.

When those difficult things occurred what were your thoughts toward God?
Did you pray?
Did you pray with in anger?
Or did you pray with a broken and repentant heart?

Habakkuk's reaction to his despair and discouragements is found in 3:17-19.
We can learn how he comes to the conclusion that despite of poverty and despair that the Lord is
everything he needs.

The Book of Habakkuk can be a great encouragement to those who are discouraged about their present
problems and their future prospects.
It can help us to change our attitude from one of pessimism and despair to hope and rejoicing.
The question is whether we will listen to God and trust Him to do what is best for us.

Habakkuk 3:17-19 is a passage that provides us great hope.
But to understand those verses we must see the depth of despair that faced Habakkuk. ... More

Sermons below are also from Habakkuk:

Vision of God  -  Habakkuk 1:1-2

Habakkuk was one of God's prophets in what was probably a much tougher day than in which we live.
God promised him a vision so that he'd not only survive but also prosper and succeed.
We read in Habakkuk 2: 1, 2: " I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me."
Then the Lord replied: " Write down the revelation (the vision) and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it

God was going to give Habakkuk a fresh glimpse of Himself, specific and plain, to keep Habakkuk going
and encouraging other faithful ones around him as well.
Habakkuk was a believer just like many of you.
Do you ever feel you stand all alone in this evil world, as if you're such a minority because you are
a Christian, and that you really don't count for much.
Then, you need to become expectant for a vision from God, as Habakkuk did.
You need a fresh word from Him and a sense of plan and direction to motivate you, comfort you,
and to fill you with courage and hope. ... More

Personal Visions  -  Habakkuk 1:1-4,5
We can learn something from Habakkuk.
Habakkuk was a whiner, a complainer, and a colossal failure.
He was negative, cynical and critical.
No one wanted to be around him, nor was he respected

Habakkuk's Assyrian name means "one who clings to" or "one that leans on" -- much like a vine
that grows up and leans against a house.
It was used to describe a person who leans on or clings to God.
His name was unusual, and his assignment was a difficult one.
His job was to be a prophet in an age when great prophets were scarce. ... More

Be Thankful Regardless  -  Habakkuk 3:17-19
Usually our thanksgiving focus is on our abundance, for which we are grateful, but there are times
when things are not abundant.
There are times when everything seems to be against us.
There are times when the cupboard is bare and the balance in the checkbook is zero.
Yet, even in the worst of times there is so much for which we can be grateful.
It is easy to thank God in the times of abundance; but we must also give thanks when things
are not so good.
So, be thankful -- regardless! ... More

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